No-Code Starter Packs

🤔 Stuck and don't know what to build? 💡 We give you an audience, a solution space and the tools to kick-start your next #no-code project.

🌳 Landscapers 🌳

SolutionsSuggested No-Code Tools
Local DirectorySoftr, Airtable
Website & Lead GenCarrd, Softr, Airtable
DIY NewsletterZapier, MailChimp

🏃 Runners 🏃

SolutionsSuggested No-Code Tools
Running Trails in your CityGlide, Google Sheets
Find a Running GroupSoftr, Airtable
Start a Running GroupCarrd

🏋️ Fitness Instructors 🏋️

SolutionsSuggested No-Code Tools
Personal Site w/VideosUniverse, Carrd, Webflow
Find a Fitness InstructorSoftr, Airtable
Automation: SchedulingCalendly, Airtable

🏪 Local Businesses 🏪

SolutionsSuggested No-Code Tools
Automation: Gift CardsCarrd, Google Slides
WebsiteWebflow, Carrd, Softr
Local Business DirectoryGlide (Mobile), Softr

That's all for now. Want more starter packs?

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